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Guitar Set Up Packages

Full Set Up


Having a guitar with a bad set up can be frustrating but luckily it's just a tweak away from playing great. Almost all bad symptoms when playing your guitar can be cured by a good set up. 


A full set up includes adjustment of the action, height at the 12th fret, nut adjustment and intonation. Finally the frets are cleaned and polished to assess their wear. For electric guitars, an assessment of the internals and any required soldering. All checks are done several times to ensure nothing has changed. Finally the frets are polished and the fretboard conditioned and cleaned.


The cost for a full set up is £50, which includes a set of strings *.



Sometimes a full set up is not needed so here's a list of smaller jobs. 


Intonation check and adjust




Adjustment of truss rod (string relief) 




Nut adjustment - This involves adjusting the height of the nut slots to give good action at the nut and to ensure the strings pass through the nut with no resistance, which is generally the cause of tuning issues. 




Re-soldering - This will depend on the job but most are generally inexpensive.


Fret Dressing - This is a level, crown and polish of the frets. Sometimes they wear and dents appear where the strings have been. This affects the intonation and causes fret buzz.  


£45 (including a set of strings *)


Saddle/ Saddles Adjustment - An adjustment of saddle/s height will cure high action but also ensure that the stings are all equal in height above the frets.  

£10 electric

£15 acoustic





* Strings up to the cost of £7






Guitar Set Up Packages: Service
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